Orders, MAR, and Barcode Scanning Guide

A comprehensive guide for using Orders, MAR, and Barcode Scanning in ChartFlow.

Orders Basics

  1. The Orders flowsheet is located on the left sidebar of the screen within a Visit.
  2. Search for the desired medication or non-medication order using the search bar and select the order you want from the list of results.
  3. Search for the desired medication or non-medication order using the search bar above and select the order you want.
  4. You can either search by the generic name or the brand name of a medication (e.g., Ibuprofen or Advil).
  5. For medication orders set the Dosage, Frequency, Schedule, and Comments.
  6. For Non-Medication orders set the Frequency, Schedule, and Comments.
  7. Non-medication orders can include anything from consulting with specialist doctors, ordering discharge papers, prescribing bed rest, or requesting a bedside commode. You can search for these orders by using the free text search bar at the top.

  8. If you can't find a specific medication or non-medication order in ChartFlow's formulary, you can submit a request to add it through our New Order Request Page. We typically fulfill these requests within 24 hours.

  9. Use the green Actions button to update the status of an Order (e.g., Pending, Ordered, Given, Checked, Held, Refused, Completed, Discontinued).

📝 Orders Best Practices

  • Leave an Action for each Order to create a complete patient story.
  • Avoid duplicate Orders, unless intentional for Students to catch errors.

Order Links

  1. Many Non-Medication Orders are linked directly to a flowsheet (Vital Signs, Imaging, Labs, etc.).
  2. To add a new order that includes a flowsheet link, click on the " + New Order" button. Then select or search for the order you want from the list. Orders that have flowsheets attached to them will appear in Bold font.
  3. To document Results for an Order with a Flowsheet Link, press Actions, select Results, enter data in the pop-up, and press Save.
  4. To review results, you can either click on the " Results" indicator, or the hyperlink located in the orders column of the orders flowsheet, which will allow you to view the flowsheet directly.

MAR & Barcode Scanning

    1. Students can practice medication administration using ChartFlow's barcode scanning feature or by manually administering medication from ChartFlow's MAR.
    2. ChartFlow's MAR top section shows a scrollable 24-hour timeline in military time for viewing when to administer medications, while the left column lists all ordered medications aligned with their respective administration times.
    3. To print barcodes for scanning, click the QR Code logo in the Patient Header from any page. Once inside the barcode homepage, the top barcode will always be the patient's Bracelet/MRN, while medication barcodes are listed below. Medication barcodes appear on this list only after they have been ordered through the Orders flowsheet.
    4. The same medication barcodes can be used with all patients, while patient wristbands are unique based on the MRN.
    5. Once a medication is ordered, it automatically appears on the MAR and is ready for administration.
    6. ChartFlow offers two convenient methods for scanning:

      1. Third-party barcode scanner:

      Connect a common barcode scanner to your device and scan the patient's wristband or medication.

      2. Built-in device camera:

      On any page within a patient's chart, click the square scan logo located at the top center of the screen. This allows you to use your device's built-in camera for scanning. You can scan using any device, from a phone to a laptop.
    7. To administer the medication using barcode scanning, first scan the patient's unique Wristband/MRN barcode.
    8. After scanning the Wristband/MRN barcode you will be taken to the MAR.
    9. Then, scan the medication you wish to administer, specify the administration details, and either click " Submit" to finalize or scan another medication for a multi-med pass.
    10. Additionally, you can manually administer medication from the MAR without scanning. For scheduled medications, simply click the green Due button. For non-scheduled medications, click on the desired time box. If multiple doses are needed within the same time block, continue clicking the corresponding time box and document each administration accordingly.

🔍 3rd Party Scanner

  1. Connect your scanner to your device.
  2. Open the patient and scan the wristband barcode to access the MAR.
  3. Scan the medication barcode, specify administration details, and click Submit or scan another medication for multi-med pass.

📷 Device's Built-in Camera

  1. To begin, open ChartFlow on any device equipped with a camera and select the patient for whom you wish to administer medication.
  2. To access the MAR, click the barcode symbol in the top center of the navigation bar within a patient's chart, allow camera access if prompted, and scan the patient's wristband.
  3. After accessing the MAR, click the barcode symbol again, scan the medication, input the administration details, and either click Submit to finalize or scan another medication to perform a multi-med pass.

✏️ Manual Administration (No Scanning)

  1. Navigate to the MAR and click into any box to log administration details.
  2. Use the green "Due" button for scheduled medications.
  3. To administer medication multiple times within a time block, simply continue clicking within that same time block and administer as many medications as needed.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@chartflow.io

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