Instructor Quick Start Guide

Get started with ChartFlow in 3 easy steps: Create a Course, Create an Activity, and Explore the Patient Chart.

Create a Course

  1. From the Home page, click Courses on the left side.
  2. On the Courses page, click the 'Add Course' dropdown.
  3. Select ' New Course' to to create a new course. (You also have the option to select ' Course From Template' which allows you to add courses that were previously made into templates. For more information on Activities see our
  4. If creating a new course, fill out the following details:
    • Course Short Name: Enter a course code (e.g., NUR 101)
    • Course Name: Enter the full course name
    • Program: Select the healthcare program
    • Campus: Select the associated campus
    • End Date: Set the course end date
    • Course Description: Provide a description visible to all users
  5. Click Save to create your course.
  6. After saving, you'll see the course code at the top right. You can share this code with students for easy course access.
  7. 📋 You will also see 3 Course Management Tabs on the top:

    🔍 Details

    Edit course information and add instructors.

    👥 Users

    Invite students, instructors, or adjuncts to the course.

    📚 Activities

    Create new activities, add pre-built activities from templates, and manage existing course assignments..


Create an Activity

  1. From your homepage, click the Courses tab on the left sidebar to view an organized list of all your courses.
  2. Find the course you want to add an activity to and click Manage Course.
  3. On the top you will see 3 tabs, click the Activities tab.
  4. Click the 'Add Activity' dropdown.
  5. Select 'New Activity' to create a new activity. (You also have the option to select 'Activity From Template' which allows you to add activities that were previously made into templates. For more information on Activities see our Activities Guide.)
  6. Fill out the activity details:
    • Activity Name: Choose a descriptive name
    • Activity Experience: Select New Patients, Template Patients, or Simulation
    • Group Work: Enable for shared patient charts (Template Patients only)
    • Available Visit Types: Select allowed visit types
    • Visible: Set visibility and schedule release
    • Due Date: Set the activity due date
    • Student Instructions: Provide detailed instructions for students
    • Instructor Description: Add notes for instructors (not visible to students)
  7. Use the +Add Patient button to add patients to your activity and select the patient you wish to add. There is no limit to how many patients an activity can have. Feel free to use ChartFlow's pre-built patients or if you would like to create a new patient see our Patient Template Guide.
  8. Click Save to create your activity.
  9. Return to the ' Courses' menu on the left sidebar to preview the activity in "Student View". Alternatively, you can access "Student View" directly from the home page by finding the activity under its corresponding course.
  10. On the Courses page, click ' Manage Course' for your chosen course. On the Home page, activities are listed under each course. In both locations, click the green 'Student View' button to the right of an activity to see it from a student's perspective.

📝 Activity Experience Types

  • New Patients: Students create their own patients (no name changes, no group work)
  • Template Patients: Use pre-built patients, option for group work
  • Simulation: Use pre-built patients for live simulations with Simulation Control Panel

Explore the Patient Chart in Student View

  1. Student View provides instructors with the ability to see activities and patients from a student's perspective. To access the Student View for an activity, you have two options:

    🏠 Home Page Option

    On the home page, find the course and the corresponding activity, then click the green "Student View" button to the right of the activity.

    📚 Courses Menu Option

    For a more organized view, go to the Courses menu on the left sidebar, find the course the activity is under, click "Manage Course", then locate the activity and click the green "Student View" button to its right.

  2. After clicking the ' Student View' button, you'll see a list of all patients in the activity. You can then access each patient's chart exactly as a student would, giving you a true view of the student experience.
  3. To explore a patient's chart, click the 'Patient Chart' button on the desired patient.
  4. Once you open a patient's chart, you'll see the Visit History page. To view a current or past visit, click ' View Visit' next to the visit you want to see. If you need to start a new visit, click ' New Visit' at the top of the page. For more information on visits see our Patient Template Guide.
  5. Navigate patient chart flowsheets by selecting tabs from the left sidebar.
  6. For an overview, use the ' Visit Summary' tab, which displays key flowsheets on one page. When you document information in the Visit Summary or in individual flowsheets, the data appears in both locations automatically. This is due to the flow sheets being linked to each other. Additionally, documentation for non-medication orders can be entered directly on the orders page and will also be linked to the individual flowsheet. This linked documentation feature aids in grading and creating patient templates efficiently. For more information see our Instructor Patient Chart Guide.

If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected]

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